Once upon a time, we may have viewed hearing loss as an unfortunate and annoying—but nevertheless benign—aspect of getting older. We might have images of our own elders starting to have trouble hearing: voices getting louder, phrases being repeated, situations arising that were sometimes comical and sometimes tragic. Back then, we knew they were getting “old” when their hearing started …
Unexpected Causes of Hearing Loss
With about 20% of Americans suffering some form of hearing loss, it’s clear that hearing loss is an epidemic today. Our lives have gotten louder. Whether we’re on the job, enjoying a hobby, or using a personal listening device to hear music or podcasts, we’re acculturated to noise inundation. We all know to protect our hearing when we encounter “loud …
Painkiller Use May Lead to Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is typically associated with aging and exposure to loud noise. Though these are common causes, painkillers can also contribute to the development of hearing loss. People tend to be less aware of the impact prescription and over the counter medications can have on hearing health. There are numerous medications that are considered ototoxic which means potentially hazardous for …
Supporting A Loved One with Hearing Loss in a Nursing Home
Hearing loss is one of the most common health conditions that older adults experience. One in three people, 65 and older, has some degree of hearing loss. The number of people impacted increases with age: 50% of adults 75 and older have impaired hearing. As age is the largest indicator of developing this chronic condition, it is likely that high …
Hearing Aids Are Found to Improve Depressive Symptoms
Hearing loss affects much more than hearing. A chronic medical condition, hearing loss strains communication which has a far-reaching impact. When communication, an essential way we navigate daily life, becomes challenging; participating in the most basic activities can be difficult. This can take a toll, leading to the development of depressive symptoms which research has also shown. Treating hearing loss …
Head Injuries & Hearing Loss
As recent evidence indicates that engaging in contact sports may have permanent effects on memory, there has been a lot of coverage on traumatic brain injury (TBI) lately. Let’s learn more about this condition and how it could lead to hearing loss. What is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)? Any damage caused by physical force to the brain is known as …
Know Your Rights with Hearing Loss
The world poses several specific barriers for individuals with hearing loss. Fortunately, assistive technologies can go a long way toward helping people with hearing loss connect and communicate, from closed captioning to telecoils. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) advocated for the fundamental rights of people with disabilities. Being acquainted with your ADA rights will allow you to understand what …
Tips for a Successful Virtual Family Reunions
We are faced with unusual limitations on how we celebrate this coming holiday season. For this reason, many of us will turn to virtual gatherings to reconnect with our family members. How can we make the most of these events? If you have tried them in the past, you will know that they can be tricky to navigate, particularly for …
Hearing Loss Through History
Around the world today, roughly 15% of the adult population has some degree of hearing loss. Of those with hearing loss, around one third (5.3% of the world’s population, or more than 466 million people) have disabling hearing loss, where their hearing level is limited by 40 dB or more. Hearing loss affects quality of life and overall health and …
How Loud is Too Loud for Kids?
We navigate varying levels of sound every day. Having conversations, listening to music, watching television; we are constantly absorbing noise and can typically determine when something is too loud. On the other hand, kids may not as easily decipher volume and know the impact of loud noise. Exposure to loud noise is a common cause of hearing loss, a pervasive …