How Smoking & Drinking May Affect Hearing

How Smoking & Drinking May Affect Hearing

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BA Hearing Loss, Lifestyle & Leisure

Lots of people will tell you that tobacco and alcohol can be dangerous to your health.  They can affect everything from your lungs, brain, heart, energy level and immune system.  Did you know that a lifestyle of smoking and drinking can also serious affect your ability to hear? It has been proven time and time again that smoking and drinking …

Great Things to Hear This Holiday Season in Daytona Beach

Great Things to Hear This Holiday Season in Daytona Beach

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BA Community, Events, Lifestyle & Leisure, News, Tips & Tricks

The holiday season makes for great memories. There’s family, food, fun, festive gatherings – and at Encore Hearing, we want you to enjoy all the sights and sounds of the holiday. Of all the times during the year, this is the time to stay the most connected to those around you and those you care about. Enjoy the season and …

Hearing Aid Features that Support Modern Lifestyle

Hearing Aid Features that Support Modern Lifestyle

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BA Hearing Aid Technology, Hearing Aids, Lifestyle & Leisure, News

Hearing aids have come quite a long way since your grandparent’s generation. Advances in technology have allowed for smaller and smaller components, greater connectivity between devices, and better plastics. This has resulted in hearing aids that are sleek, modern, and wired to suit all of your wireless needs. Modern hearing aids are sturdy, complex machines that are perfect for your …