Right now, more than 37 million people in the United States live with hearing loss. Because of strong advocacy and education efforts in the last few decades, we’re living in a time of increased awareness around hearing loss. As our population ages, this condition will continue to impact millions of Americans. Now, more than ever, it’s important to separate stereotypes …
Should You Disclose Your Hearing Loss?
A staggering number of Americans suffer from hearing loss, estimated at more than 30 million people. When we look at the over-65 years of age demographic, the percentage of those who report having some hearing problems jumps to one-third of the population. Even though it’s a widely pervasive health condition, those who have hearing loss are reluctant to admit they …
Dealing with Hearing Loss in the Workplace
Now that 70 is the new 50, many workers today are prolonging their time in the professional sphere. Baby Boomers, the generation born between 1946-1964, make up almost a quarter of the workforce. It’s more than simply financial circumstances that have folks delaying retirement, many Boomers report they plan to continue working for personal fulfillment and satisfaction. However, this new …
Choosing the Right Hearing Aid
Hopefully, you’ll only have to purchase hearing aids once or twice in your lifetime. But that also means that shopping for hearing loss solutions can become an unfamiliar and overwhelming task. Luckily, your audiologist assists folks find their ideal match every day. With a little prep work, we’ve gathered some tips to help you with choosing the right hearing aid. …
Adjusting to Your New Hearing Aids
Congratulations on actively pursuing better hearing health! It’s a decision that doesn’t come easily to most folks, who wait a decade on average before choosing to intervene in hearing loss. Although approximately 30 million Americans live with hearing loss, making it one of the leading chronic health conditions in the United States, accessibility continues to create a barrier between treatment. …
The Life Changing Impact of Treating Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is one of the leading chronic health conditions in the United States. Roughly one in eight Americans over the age of twelve shows hearing loss in both ears during standard hearing tests. And a number of experts believe that the rate of hearing loss will increase, even among young people, as Millennials and Gen Z grow older. When …
Tips for Dining Out with Hearing Aids
For the more than 30 million Americans living with hearing loss, dining out can be a tricky situation. Hearing loss, particularly age-related or noise-induced, makes scenarios where the speech of friends or loved ones contends with background noise extremely taxing. For this reason, restaurant settings are particularly difficult for people with hearing loss. Whether you’re a foodie who loves a …
Can Lifting Weights Protect Your Hearing Health?
Hearing loss impacts an estimated 30 million Americans over the age of 12, making it one of the leading chronic health concerns in the country. It’s a condition that tends to develop in older people, with one in three adults over the age of 65 registering hearing loss. We refer to this type of hearing loss as age-related, because the …
Why Your Primary Care Provider Might Not be Able to Detect Your Hearing Loss
World Hearing Day 2023 is in March, and with it comes the opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of hearing health. However, despite the efforts of healthcare professionals around the world, primary care providers continue to struggle with detecting hearing loss in their patients. On this World Hearing Day, it’s important to recognize the ongoing challenges faced by primary …
What Does It Mean to Have “Normal” Hearing?
Are you wondering whether your hearing ability is normal? You’re not alone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that around one in eight people over the age of 12 within the United States has hearing loss in both ears. You might also be delaying a hearing health exam because although you notice your hearing has declined, it’s not …