Addressing Early Hearing Loss Could Help Prevent Dementia

Addressing Early Hearing Loss Could Help Prevent Dementia

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BABrain Health, Cognitive Health, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss

The link between hearing loss and dementia has been in the news a lot lately. That’s because it’s big news, and it’s starting to change the game in terms of hearing protection and amplification. The World Health Organization (WHO) put hearing loss at the top of a list of twelve modifiable risk factors at play in the development of Alzheimer’s …

Tips for Better Hearing in Noise

Tips for Better Hearing in Noise

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Health, Hearing Loss, Tips & Tricks

Hearing loss is a common problem, affecting about 14% of Americans, especially those over age 60. Many people first realize they have a hearing issue when background noise is present, as background sound makes it harder for even those with normal hearing to understand speech. For those with hearing loss, it can be downright impossible. Those with even mild hearing …

How Hearing Loss May Affect Your Job

How Hearing Loss May Affect Your Job

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Health, Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is an all-too-common problem for Americans, affecting about 14% of the total population. As we age, hearing loss becomes more and more likely, though many people working in high-risk professions are likely to experience problematic hearing loss well before retirement age. For those who begin to experience hearing loss while still in the workforce, it can pose additional …

Chronic Tinnitus, Anxiety & Depression

Chronic Tinnitus, Anxiety & Depression

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Health

Have you ever attended a rock concert, sports event, or maybe a fireworks display, and when you left your ears were ringing? Usually, the ringing goes away in a day or two, but some people develop chronic tinnitus, where the sound lingers for years, or even for the rest of their lives.   Tinnitus is a common health concern for …

Why You Should Talk About Hearing at Your Next Physical

Why You Should Talk about Hearing at Your Next Physical

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Health

There is so much to stay on top of in life. You pay your bills on time, maintain your home appliances, and keep up with work, but there may be something important you are forgetting. Taking care of our bodies is essential to our overall health, happiness, and wellbeing. As humans, our bodies are miraculous and complex. It’s a wonder …

Start Your New Year with Better Hearing!

Start Your New Year with Better Hearing!

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Health

It’s a new year, which means it’s time to think about what you want to achieve this year. If you are like countless other Americans, you will be promising yourself to eat better, go to the gym, perhaps stay connected with family by calling or visiting more, and promising to be a better friend. You schedule your annual physical, note …

Undertreated & Undiagnosed: Age-Related Hearing Loss

Undertreated & Undiagnosed: Age-Related Hearing Loss

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Health, Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Causes, Hearing Loss Prevention

If you ask three people over the age of 65 about hearing loss, chances are at least one of the experiences it. Hearing loss affects one in every three people over the age of 65 and nearly half of the population age 75 and over. Also known as presbycusis, age-related hearing loss is a common condition that affects most Americans. …

Trouble Hearing in Noisy Places Train Your Brain

Trouble Hearing in Noisy Places? Train Your Brain

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Health, Hearing Loss

Building listening strategies is one of the most important things a person with hearing loss can do. Auditory training, also known as auditory training, is a structured program that teaches the brain to identify speech and other sounds that are not as clear as normal hearing. It also teaches you how to get the most out of what you hear. …

Sounds That Could Harm Your Hearing

Sounds That Could Harm Your Hearing

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Health

We’re all probably at least somewhat familiar with the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). They’re responsible for ensuring that workplaces across the United States are safe for workers.    What you might not know is that one of their chief mandates is to ascertain whether employees are being exposed to harmful noise. The data is startling. 9 million workers …