How Long Do Hearing Aids Last?

How Long Do Hearing Aids Last?

AuDSEO Designs Hearing Aid Maintenance, Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are valuable devices that assist individuals with hearing loss in improving their auditory experience. Understanding the lifespan of hearing aids is crucial for users, as it helps them plan for device maintenance, potential repairs, and eventual replacements.  On average, hearing aids are designed to last between three to seven years. However, this estimate is a general guideline, and …

Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Hearing Aids

Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Hearing Aids

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BA Hearing Aid Maintenance, Hearing Aids

Summertime presents opportunities to connect with friends and family for fun in the sun, but it is not without its hazards for hearing aids! If you’re gearing up for summer activities, remember these tips to help keep your hearing aids in tip-top shape! Hearing Aids are Water-Resistant, Not Waterproof With few exceptions, hearing aids are able to withstand a little …

Keeping Your Hearing Aids Dry

Keeping Your Hearing Aids Dry

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BA Hearing Aid Maintenance, Tips & Tricks

Caring for your hearing aids properly is an important part of owning the devices. Protecting your investment in not only your hearing health, but also the technology assisting you can ensure that your devices can stand the test of time. Outlined here are care and troubleshooting tips for hearing aids. Ask your audiologist how you can obtain a few items …