Winter Hearing Aid Care: A Comprehensive Guide

Winter Hearing Aid Care: A Comprehensive Guide

AuDSEO DesignsHearing Aid Technology, Hearing Aids

As the winter season blankets the world in snow and ice, it’s essential to understand the unique challenges it poses to hearing aid wearers. Hearing aids, while resilient, can be affected by cold temperatures and moisture, potentially impacting their performance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the effects of cold weather on hearing aids and offer professional advice on how …

Diabetes and Hearing Loss: An Unexpected Connection

Diabetes and Hearing Loss: An Unexpected Connection

AuDSEO DesignsHearing Health, Overall Health

Did you know that hearing loss and diabetes are connected? This unexpected connection reminds us that different health conditions are all interrelated and can inform treatment options. Understanding Diabetes and Hearing Loss Before we dive into the connection between hearing loss and diabetes, let’s take a closer look at both diabetes and hearing loss: Diabetes: Diabetes is a chronic condition …

Traditional vs. Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids

Traditional vs. Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids

AuDSEO DesignsHearing Aids, Hearing Technology

Hearing loss is a common concern numerous individuals face during their lives. Luckily, there is a variety of solutions available to treat hearing loss, with traditional hearing aids being a long-standing option. In recent years, over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids have entered the market, adding another choice for those seeking help with mild to moderate hearing loss. Exploring Traditional Hearing Aids …

Music and Hearing: Safeguarding Your Ears as a Musician

Music and Hearing: Safeguarding Your Ears as a Musician

AuDSEO DesignsHearing Loss Prevention, Hearing Protection

Music has the incredible power to connect with our emotions, transcend language barriers, and bring people together. For musicians, it’s not just a form of expression; it’s a way of life. But there’s a side to the music world that often goes unnoticed—its potential to harm our hearing. Let’s explore the importance of protecting your ears as a musician, understand …

The Benefits of Switching to Rechargeable Hearing Aids

The Benefits of Switching to Rechargeable Hearing Aids

AuDSEO DesignsHearing Aid Technology, Hearing Aids

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, hearing aids have also undergone a remarkable transformation. One of the most significant advancements in recent years is the development of rechargeable hearing aids. These innovative devices have revolutionized the hearing healthcare landscape, offering you a host of benefits and convenience. What Are Rechargeable Hearing Aids? Rechargeable hearing aids are just like …

How Modern Technology is Changing the World of Hearing Aids

How Modern Technology is Changing the World of Hearing Aids

AuDSEO DesignsHearing Aid Technology, Hearing Technology

Hearing aid technology is improving in leaps and bounds. Hearing aids of today are nothing like hearing aids you might remember from 20 years ago. Modern technology is revolutionizing hearing aids, offering more options, improved performance, and a better quality of life for individuals with hearing loss. Hearing loss can have a profound impact on your life. Untreated hearing loss …

Everything You Need to Know About Comprehensive Hearing Testing

Everything You Need to Know About Comprehensive Hearing Testing

AuDSEO DesignsHearing Aid Technology, Hearing Health, Hearing Testing

Are you considering booking your first hearing test? Maybe you’ve noticed that you’re not catching every word in conversations or that the TV volume keeps creeping up. Getting a hearing test is the first step towards better hearing! Why Should You Get a Hearing Test? Hearing loss can sneak up on you, so you might not notice it at first. …

Cochlear Implants vs. Hearing Aids: A Comprehensive Comparison

Cochlear Implants vs. Hearing Aids: A Comprehensive Comparison

AuDSEO DesignsHearing Aids, Hearing Health

Hearing loss is a prevalent experience in the United States that can greatly impact an individual’s quality of life. In fact, it’s one of the leading chronic health conditions in the country.  Two of the most common solutions to address varying degrees of hearing impairment are cochlear implants and hearing aids. While both aim to improve hearing, they can be …

Tips on Navigating Summer Gatherings for People with Hearing Loss

Tips on Navigating Summer Gatherings for People with Hearing Loss

AuDSEO DesignsHearing Loss, Tips & Tricks

Have you skipped out on summer gatherings this year because it’s too difficult to maintain conversations in chaotic, backyard environments? Don’t skip the next one!  We’ve got tips on navigating summer gatherings for people with hearing loss, just for you. The Challenges Of Outdoor Gatherings As the temperatures rise, we often see hosts opting to take advantage of pleasant outdoor …

What is Residual Hearing?

What is Residual Hearing?

AuDSEO DesignsHearing Health, Hearing Loss

For people with hearing loss, particularly that which is the result of aging, its effects can range from mild to severe. One challenge that people with age-related hearing loss face is letting go of their attachment to their previously healthy hearing and mourning its loss. However, once our hearing health has decreased and the important step of confronting hearing loss …