Head Injuries & Hearing Loss

Head Injuries & Hearing Loss

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BABrain Health, Cognitive Health, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss

As recent evidence indicates that engaging in contact sports may have permanent effects on memory, there has been a lot of coverage on traumatic brain injury (TBI) lately. Let’s learn more about this condition and how it could lead to hearing loss. What is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)? Any damage caused by physical force to the brain is known as …

Know Your Rights with Hearing Loss

Know Your Rights with Hearing Loss

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Health, Hearing Loss

The world poses several specific barriers for individuals with hearing loss. Fortunately, assistive technologies can go a long way toward helping people with hearing loss connect and communicate, from closed captioning to telecoils.  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) advocated for the fundamental rights of people with disabilities. Being acquainted with your ADA rights will allow you to understand what …

How Loud is Too Loud for Kids

How Loud is Too Loud for Kids?

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Health, Hearing Loss

We navigate varying levels of sound every day. Having conversations, listening to music, watching television; we are constantly absorbing noise and can typically determine when something is too loud.  On the other hand, kids may not as easily decipher volume and know the impact of loud noise. Exposure to loud noise is a common cause of hearing loss, a pervasive …

How Smoking & Drinking May Affect Hearing

How Smoking and Drinking May Affect Hearing

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Health, Hearing Loss

The health risks of smoking and drinking are commonly known. But people tend to be less aware of the impact smoking and drinking has on hearing health. Research has shown that smoking and drinking actually increases the risk of developing hearing loss. One of the most common chronic medical conditions, hearing loss is effects 1 in 8 people (over 40 …

Studies on Hearing Loss and Injuries

Studies on Hearing Loss and Injuries

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Health, Hearing Loss, Overall Health, Research

If you experience hearing loss, you may be at higher risk for personal injury. The correlation between hearing loss and accidental injury was closely examined in a 2018 study. The research findings help us understand the ways in which hearing loss impacts people’s lives. Impaired hearing continues to be a growing public health concern that millions of people are navigating. …

Benefits of Hearing Loss Treatment: Better Relationships!

Benefits of Hearing Loss Treatment: Better Relationships!

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BACommunication, Family & Relationships, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Treatment

Relationships are an essential part of our lives. They bring us joy, nurturance, and happiness. Our relationships with family, friends, and partners provide meaning and are often described as the most important part of life. We spend so much of our time with other people, including in our professional lives with coworkers. Hearing loss can strain these relationships, causing your …

New Years Resolution: Get Your Hearing Tested

New Years Resolution: Get Your Hearing Tested

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Health, Hearing Loss, Hearing Testing

Start this New Year by prioritizing your wellness and getting your hearing tested! Hearing loss can happen to anyone and is one of the most common health concerns Americans are navigating today. Often times, challenges with hearing develops gradually so differences in your ability to hear can be subtle and therefore hard to completely realize. Examining your hearing not only …

Hearing Loss Could Restrict Mobility & Quality of Life

Hearing Loss Could Restrict Mobility & Quality of Life

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Loss, Hearing Loss Related Disease, Lifestyle & Leisure

You’ve retired, you have your household affairs in order, you’d like to travel and perhaps visit friends and children out of state – but more often than not, you find yourself staying home. What’s holding you back? Studies show seniors tend to limit their movements to familiar areas if they have hearing loss. There’s a big world out there and …

Loud Movies & Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Loud Movies & Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAHearing Loss, Lifestyle & Leisure, Noise

Everyone loves going to the movies. It’s a favorite pastime worldwide and enjoyed by people of all ages. Movie and sound technology have also surpassed our wildest dreams. The intensity of images, effects, sound and even motion have expanded sensory arenas that are quite astounding! The push to make movies a totally immersive experience has yielded some stunning audio-visual treats! …

Supporting A Loved One with Hearing Loss in a Nursing Home

Supporting A Loved One with Hearing Loss in a Nursing Home

Leanne E. Polhill, LHAS, BC-HIS, BAFamily & Relationships, Hearing Loss

Having a loved one residing in a nursing home can be difficult at times. When your loved one suffers from hearing loss that can add even more pressure. The environment within the nursing home should be able to promote and maintain a social dynamic that fosters positive effects on their daily lives. Being equipped with a hearing aid alone will …