For people with hearing loss, particularly that which is the result of aging, its effects can range from mild to severe. One challenge that people with age-related hearing loss face is letting go of their attachment to their previously healthy hearing and mourning its loss. However, once our hearing health has decreased and the important step of confronting hearing loss …
How Hearing Loss Treatment Can Lessen Loneliness
Hearing loss is a prevalent condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Beyond the physical challenges it presents, it leads to emotional and psychological struggles, including loneliness. However, with proper treatment, hearing loss can be effectively managed, reducing feelings of isolation and improving overall well-being. Can it be treated? The answer is yes! Let’s look at the ways that treating …
Why You Should Talk About Hearing Health at Your Next Physical
Hearing loss is a condition that affects more than 30 million people in the United States. In fact, it’s estimated that one out of every eight Americans over the age of 12 demonstrates some degree of hearing loss in both ears. It’s one of the leading chronic health concerns in the country, and yet, people are twice as likely to …
The Life Changing Impact of Treating Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is one of the leading chronic health conditions in the United States. Roughly one in eight Americans over the age of twelve shows hearing loss in both ears during standard hearing tests. And a number of experts believe that the rate of hearing loss will increase, even among young people, as Millennials and Gen Z grow older. When …
Can Lifting Weights Protect Your Hearing Health?
Hearing loss impacts an estimated 30 million Americans over the age of 12, making it one of the leading chronic health concerns in the country. It’s a condition that tends to develop in older people, with one in three adults over the age of 65 registering hearing loss. We refer to this type of hearing loss as age-related, because the …
Why Your Primary Care Provider Might Not be Able to Detect Your Hearing Loss
World Hearing Day 2023 is in March, and with it comes the opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of hearing health. However, despite the efforts of healthcare professionals around the world, primary care providers continue to struggle with detecting hearing loss in their patients. On this World Hearing Day, it’s important to recognize the ongoing challenges faced by primary …
What Does It Mean to Have “Normal” Hearing?
Are you wondering whether your hearing ability is normal? You’re not alone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that around one in eight people over the age of 12 within the United States has hearing loss in both ears. You might also be delaying a hearing health exam because although you notice your hearing has declined, it’s not …
Celebrate World Hearing Day: Ear and Hearing Care for All!
Did you know that March 3rd is World Hearing Day? This global campaign is organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and focuses on raising awareness about hearing loss. Hearing loss is one of the most common medical conditions that people experience today. In the United States alone, nearly 1 in 5 people have some degree of impaired hearing. But …
The Impact of Noise Pollution on Your Health
The sounds around us make up our environment. While the wind in the trees and water rolling over stones in the creek may bring us peace, sounds can get loud enough to impact our health. Once it gets to a dangerous level it’s more than just noise—it’s noise pollution! Understanding Noise Pollution Our world keeps getting louder and louder, in …
Exposure to Loud Noise During a Work Shift Can Harm Your Hearing
Did you know that the workplace is a common source of loud noise exposure? One time or consistent exposure to excessive noise can permanently damage the auditory system which is the sensory system for hearing. Work environments are a common way people are exposed to hazardous levels of noise. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate …