Hearing aids come in all shapes and sizes, and technological advancements have created more options that were imagined in the past. With so many new styles and types of hearing aids, it is important to get to know some of the basic features and functions that hearing aids provide. Indeed, some of these features are only available in one style …
Hearing Aid Compatible Assistive Listening Devices
The innovation of hearing aid technology in recent years has significantly enhanced user experience for those with hearing loss. There is such a wide range of features and options that allow hearing aids to easily integrate into your daily life and maximize your hearing in all environments you navigate. In addition to hearing aids, there are numerous types of assistive …
Why You Should Treat Bilateral Hearing Loss with Two Hearing Aids
If you have hearing loss, there’s very little chance it will be equal in each ear. People frequently notice that one ear hears better than the other and refer to it as their “good ear.” The results of a hearing test may reveal that this form of hearing loss is “unilateral.” Unilateral hearing loss can manifest as a diminished capacity …
Preparing for Emergencies with Hearing Aids
Although most of us would much rather be optimistic and not think about it, emergencies can and do happen. Extreme situations can develop quickly and have a devastating impact. Being prepared can make all the difference when it comes to getting through a disaster. If you have hearing loss, this involves making some special preparations to make sure you stay …
Common Hearing Aid Problems & How to Fix Them
Getting new hearing aids is such an exciting step in improving hearing health and overall wellness. Hearing aids provide significant support that enables people to hear much more clearly and with greater ease. Transitioning into hearing aids includes hearing sounds you haven’t experienced in quite some time, being able to follow conversations comfortably, and spending quality time with loved ones. …
Going Digital with Your Hearing Aids
Advanced Hearing Aid Technology An estimated 48 million Americans are living with some degree of hearing loss. People who use hearing aids depend on them to perform and assist with the various functions of our hearing ability. It is, therefore, up to hearing aid manufacturers to ensure that these devices are in line—and often compatible—with the technology of the day. …
Tips for Managing Tinnitus
Do you feel a ringing in your ear that just won’t go away? It sounds like you are one of 50 million Americans with tinnitus. We can describe tinnitus as the experience of being able to hear a sound when there is in fact no sound present. It usually experienced as a ringing inside the ears, but can also sound …
Hearing Loss & Cognitive Decline
Cognitive decline has long been an early indicator of dementia, the sixth leading cause of mortality in this country. So it makes sense that we should be vigilant of anything that might compromise our brain functions. That’s why we should start looking at hearing loss. Even adults with a little hearing loss are at a higher risk of dementia, and …
A Guide to Buying New Hearing Aids
At Encore Hearing Care, we want to make you completely comfortable with your new pair of hearing aids – how they work, how you control them, and how they fit. If you think you might benefit from the use of hearing aids, the first step is to take a hearing test with our team. If a hearing loss is detected, …
Hearing Aid Features that Support Modern Lifestyle
Hearing aids have come quite a long way since your grandparent’s generation. Advances in technology have allowed for smaller and smaller components, greater connectivity between devices, and better plastics. This has resulted in hearing aids that are sleek, modern, and wired to suit all of your wireless needs. Modern hearing aids are sturdy, complex machines that are perfect for your …